Archive: Black History Month 2020

it’s Frederick Douglass’s birthday today. it’s also the middle of Black History Month. I don’t do as much realistic art as I used to but for this year’s celebration, I wanted to repost some older art that is relevant to this time of year. Both of these images are from the Civil War era which I’ve been particularly interested in these past few years. Frederick Read More …

2020 Goals: The Color of the New Year

GoalsIt’s two weeks into 2020 already. Hard to believe. The new year comes with resolutions and goals. I may have already broken a resolution or two but my goals for Kinara’s Children are still intact. One of my most important goals for this project is to see my Kinara’s Children images and content used for practical purposes. It’s cool to have a Kuji mug or Read More …

Faces of Ujima: a Study

Ujima’s one of my Kinara’s Children characters that doesn’t get enough attention. My last couple of posts have featured him. In this one he gets the expressions treatment. So far I’ve done Nia, Imani, Umoja and Kuumba and if you’ve paid attention you may notice that each set has been done a bit differently. With Ujima I got a bit happy and started adding text, Read More …

It’s All About Kuji

It’s been all about Kuji so far this year. Starting with Kuji’s Bookshelf and moving on from there. So here’s a four image master post, short on words but long on Kujiness. Enjoy. Are you hip to the bookphone challenge‬? Neither was I but Kuji wanted to play, so…    Still exploring Kuji’s bookshelf with one of the books that influenced me early in life. Read More …

Kuji’s Bookshelf: My Lethal Weapon is My Mind

My lethal weapon is my mind Kuji always rolls in with her mental guns blazing. When she arrives on campus next year she’ll be well prepared. She’ll go there to learn, not to be bamboozled by ignorance or muddled thinking. Pity the fool who tries to prop up their reactionary opinions against Kuji’s well-researched facts. You can pat her down but never disarm her, “My lethal weapon is my mind,” Read More …

Imani is Joy!

    Imani’s not a Black Magic Woman, she’s a Magic Black Woman. The magic’s in her smile, her walk, the way she carries herself. She’s self assured, confident, insightful, sophisticated, a healer, philosopher and sage. Stop by her botanica some time for a palm reading or healing herbs. Stick around and she’ll teach you the wisdom of the ages. First image of the New Read More …