Archive: Black History Month 2020

it’s Frederick Douglass’s birthday today. it’s also the middle of Black History Month. I don’t do as much realistic art as I used to but for this year’s celebration, I wanted to repost some older art that is relevant to this time of year. Both of these images are from the Civil War era which I’ve been particularly interested in these past few years. Frederick Read More …

Kuji’s Bookshelf: My Lethal Weapon is My Mind

My lethal weapon is my mind Kuji always rolls in with her mental guns blazing. When she arrives on campus next year she’ll be well prepared. She’ll go there to learn, not to be bamboozled by ignorance or muddled thinking. Pity the fool who tries to prop up their reactionary opinions against Kuji’s well-researched facts. You can pat her down but never disarm her, “My lethal weapon is my mind,” Read More …